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All instructions
Instructions for submitting a report in the information system of JSC "NCSTE" (https://is.ncste.kz/)
Краткая видеоинструкция по конкурсу молодых ученых
Video guide on information system of NCSTE (is.ncste.kz)
Instructions for the STP online registration in the information system of JSC NCTSE (https://is.ncste.kz)
Instructions for online registration of the project in the information system of JSC "NCSTE" (https://is.ncste.kz/)
Instruction for login and registration through the Digital Science Portal
Instructions to Principal Investigator/Member of the research group to work with the system
User Instruction for Submission of the Grant Financing Report
User Instruction for Submission of the Program Targeted Finance Report
User instructions for submitting thesis
Instructions for filling out the Budget form (Cost estimate)
User instructions for registering a project without an IRN
User Instruction for Submission of the Program Targeted Funding Summary Report
User Instructions for adding key words
User instructions for registering a scientific and technical program (STP) without IRN
User Instructions for adding publications and patents